Pentens T-007, 100% acrylic cement modifier is based on a proven 100% acrylic polymer design to improve the chemical, corrosion, moisture and salt resistance of cement renders. It is superior to more common PVA and SBR based modifiers because of its superior durability and resistance to hydrolysis. It has been specifically formulated for use in highly alkaline cement environments. Cement mortars based on Pentens T-007 will adhere to a wide range of materials such as metals, timber, insulation foams as well as new and old concrete.
Not only used as the waterproofing primer, but also used as an additive in cement mortars, renders, patching / repair work, GRC panels, and waterproof cementitious coatings.
Areas of application include:
- As a primer of water-based waterproofing / flooring works
- Repairs to drinking water and waste water concrete structures
- Repairs and resurfacing of factory floors, driveways
- New and old concrete bonding agent
- Angle fillets
- Multi-purpose adhesive
- Increases durability of concrete and mortars
- Waterproof
- Suitable for use in contact with drinking water
- Resists acids, alkalis, fats & oils
- Increases abrasion resistance
- Increase tensile, flexural, impact & compressive
- Can be applied in thin coats
- Excellent UV durability
- Promotes adhesion superior to PVA’s & SBR’s
Specifications for Mix Recommendation
Primer (0.3kg/m2)
Pentens T-007: 1 L
Water: 3 L
Slurry coating (1mm)
Portland cement: 2 kg
Fine sand (AG10): 1 kg
Pentens T-007N: 2 L
Waterproof render (3~5mm)
Silica sand (AG3): 135 kg
Portland cement: 45 kg
Pentens T-007N: 10 L
Water: 20 L
Light duty flooring screed (3~5mm)
Flooring sand: 135 kg
Portland cement: 45 kg
Pentens T-007N: 10 L
Water: 20 L
Heavy duty granolithic
topping (6~30mm)
Granite chips (3mm): 150 kg
Flooring sand: 150 kg
Portland cement: 100 kg
Pentens T-007N: 9 L
Water: 72 L